Next Steps

Cherokee Village celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2025*, making this the ideal moment to create a vision backed by an actionable plan to guide Cherokee Village through the next 30 years to reach its 100th anniversary in 2055.

As the Our Town Grant process wraps up, the hope is that it marks the beginning of a city-led community master planning process to usher in a new era of growth and prosperity for Cherokee Village.

The first most important step in that process is establishing a shared vision for the future of our community.

The master planning process starts with a visioning exercise that brings together citizens, property owners, City officials, Suburban Improvement District leadership, the CV Community Developer, other key stakeholders (churches, civic organizations, Sharp and Fulton County leadership, local banks, local utilities, Highland School District, local/regional healthcare providers, Sharp County Regional Airport and others) along with community and business leaders to create a shared vision for what we want Cherokee Village to become over the next 30 years and beyond.

An effective community master planning process is inclusive, transparent, and goal / target driven with a clear set of actionable plans.

All property owners, citizens and community partners are encouraged to participate in planning for the future of this community that we all love. Please contribute by bringing your passion for community building, your ideas for the future and your positive and constructive feedback to the table.

This is an exciting time to be living in Cherokee Village!

UACDC Recommendations

Among the many other ideas and opportunities to consider, the UACDC ends its Framework Plan with a set of six specific recommendations for City officials, City Planning & Zoning Commission, community leaders and key stakeholders to consider:

Adopt the Framework Plan as a component of the Village’s overall comprehensive plan.

Consider hiring a City Planner.

Consider the development of Smart Code overlay districts.

Promote and market the Framework Plan.

Consider formulation of new form-based codes for planning and zoning.

Permit and encourage the planned zoning district or the planned unit development process as development tools.

*Cherokee Village was established in 1954 and officially launched in June 1955. The official dedication event in June 1955 is the date the community has always used to mark its anniversary.

“A hundred years after we are gone and forgotten, those who never heard of us will be living with the results of our actions.”

– Oliver Wendell Homes, U.S. Supreme Court Justice